As my Professor
explained the importance of education for the development of our country, and
explained it over and over again for four times
“Education is the milestone for development”
“Development comes from investment in education”
“Education leads to development gradually in the long
“Country’s economic development relies on education”,
I drifted away from class,
bringing myself to the reality by the tick tick of my dad’s watch,
synchronizing in its own way with the fall of water drops on Earth.
Smiling at myself, of how I dream about random stuff in
class, and how I dream about class in my sleep. The dilemmas of a normal final
year student kept knocking my dreams every night! “I’ll find a job” I say to
myself. The clock ticks two as I get up and peep out my window to find what
disturbs the dogs this late.
The sudden lightening causes blight to mine eyes. I
squeeze my eyes and peep out once again. A water droplet shimmered on the
leaf, before it dropped onto the little yellow bud beneath it, finally losing
itself to the pool of water on the ground.

The flowers looked beautiful, small and bright. Not
knowing the name of the plant I purchased two of those. Never did it give a
fragrance, but it always beamed at me, and at times mocked at me as well!
Painting the other pot red and yellow, I felt proud about myself for what I was
to do. He too mocked at me the next day!
My plant, since then, has remained at my window, blooming
flowers and bringing joy. As a tear roll down my cheek, I assure to myself that
life has to move on no matter what. Not knowing what went wrong does tear apart
a part of your soul; when he chose to ignore I chose to let go.
I turn to the sound of footsteps somewhere inside the
house. Eyes widening, and chillness passing through my body, I knew everyone at
home had gone to sleep! Who could this be?
I shrink my eyes to get accustomed to the darkness. Getting
out of bed, I take careful steps not to chase the stranger away by the clinging
of my anklets. I had gotten those a month ago. My Dad ruffled my hair telling “You’ve
just not grown up!” Let me show him now how much I’ve grown!
Taking the knife I left at my table, in spite of my Mom
shouting that I should replace the knife ‘to where it belongs’, striding to
where the sound came from, I found nobody there! Taking a left and then a right,
two steps ahead, nobody there too. I crawl into into my parent’s bedroom, not
to disturb them, to my disappointment I found no one and my parents peacefully
sleeping. How could they sleep with such disturbances around, and when I’m
playing police past midnight!
Slithering into my Dad’s study room, I found myself
hopeless not finding what I wanted to find! Ensuring that my parents haven’t
woken up I crawl back to the living room accepting defeat.
Minutes passed, myself getting accustomed to the silence
around, except for the hooting of the owls. I knew someone was looking at me, I
pulled myself closer, crouching. With grey eyes, black and white fur, she
plodded the full length of the living room, and leaped off the window! Arggg….
Cat!!! I couldn’t envisage how my family would react when they get to know about
this. My last encounter with a cat was two months back. Sitting at the same
sofa I was relishing the fried fishes Mom had served me. Hot and spicy, that was my main course for lunch; I don’t remember I was probably having my 6th
or the 7th piece when there was a cat meowing at the door. I was immersed
in my favourite song in TV when she continued to meow. I walked angrily towards
her, shouted at her “It’s my fish!”, and slammed the door. They continue to
make fun of me off that episode, and now I have another story of “My bravery
towards the cat that broke into the house.”
Pacing about the house, I couldn’t put myself to sleep; I
watch the fireflies encircle the street lamp until I get bored. I wear my shoes,
pull on my sweaters, my winter cap on, now ready for an outdoor
adventure, this time with extra precaution! A jean on over my sweat pants, a
belt which’s nozzle very difficult to open, pepper spray in my right pocket, a
pocket knife in my left, a multi tool just in case I need it, taking my phone
checking if its fully charged, writing a long note to Dad telling him that I was
going out for a walk, leaving him details of the clothes I’m wearing, time I’m
leaving, and also the telephone number of the nearby police station that he has
to contact just in case I went missing!
I sneak out of the house! Its three! The chilly breeze
makes me shiver, I’m not going back in! We lived in a gated community, and I decide not to go anywhere outside. The roads were wet, with pools of water, I smile at my reflection at one such pool and walk on. The distant road was covered with
fog, I wade through the way, when a drop of water lands on my cheek it sends a
shudder through my body. I meow at the cats, hoot with the owls, and
whistle when I hear nothing. I walk on trying to discover something, I know
not what. I look at every corner, peep into the dustbins, squat down to see
underneath the cars, when I notice an old man at the bench looking towards me
I stop and stare back.

Back home, safe. tearing the note I left for Dad, for he
won’t need it now. Going back to my cozy bed, crawling myself into my heavy
blanket, hugging my pillow, I wish my plant goodnight, she had a bud that’ll
bloom in the morning, I won’t be awake to see her bloom. Dad will shout at me
to wake up, Mom will scare me telling she’ll pour a bucket of water if I don’t
get up, Dad will follow it yelling “Don’t give her breakfast if she doesn't get
up in 5 minutes”, and my Brother will crawl up to the bed, without our parents noticing,
to whisper into my ears “You’re going to have a bad day Sis”. This is routine, “five
more minutes” I’ll tell them whatever the time is. I will wake up at ten, go to
my Mom and tell her I’m hungry. She’ll serve me my fish hot and spicy. What a