Monday, March 11, 2013

English Forgotten

            Ever heard anyone say “A language not spoken for long tends to be forgotten”? I did four years back. One of my English teachers, who is an editor at The Hindu, told with utmost confidence that when a person doesn't speak a language for more than two years, it tends to be “nearly forgotten”. That day I opposed her telling it’s never possible for me to forget my mother tongue which I know for about 18 years, and English which I know for a little lesser than 18 years.
            Why would this strike me four years later? Why wouldn't it when I've forgotten the meaning of the word “anagram”? The Egoist in me kept telling me that I know the meaning for 12 hours now, then I finally opened the dictionary to find the meaning – An anagram is a word or phrase formed by changing the order of the letters in another word or phrase. Spark! ‘Triangle’ is an anagram of ‘Integral’.

            Related searches lead me to read an article about the use of “politically correct language”. “Politically incorrect language refers to words and phrases that are construed to be offensive or perceived to exclude or marginalize any particular person or group of people who are socially, culturally or economically disadvantaged or discriminated against” read The New Indian Express.  

            After deep thinking I conclude that I've not forgotten my English, and the word “Anagram” just slipped my mind. I have no reason to feel abashed. Proof reads this way -
“The comb free headed watchman left his house without listening to his domestic engineer to the economically disadvantaged area. There he happened to behave in an ethically disoriented manner with the vertically challenged bar attendant who lacked a formal education. The local police arrived and imprisoned him stating that he is behaviorally challenged.”

Find below the politically incorrect word meanings for the politically correct language -
Comb free – bald
Domestic engineer – housewife
Economically disadvantaged area – slum
Ethically disoriented – dishonest
Vertically challenged – short
Bar attendant – bar maid
Lacked a formal education – uneducated
Behaviorally challenged – criminal

Thank you Indian Express J